Drug Bargains is a website that allows pharmacies to post their drug donations and drug prices so the buying public can see. We believe direct competition is better than insurance plans and discount cards.
Patients should start by searching by US state where they are. In most states, pharmacies are required by the government to have a pharmacy permit to sell there. It is not the same as buying items on Amazon.
Everybody. It is optional for patients to register for an account. Patients can register for the Individual account type. They can save ads as favorite in their account.
Only pharmacies in USA can post. Drug Bargains will contact to confirm the identity of pharmacies and medical offices before we approve their postings. Please do not post in states that you do not have permits to operate.
Only pharmacies in USA can post. Drug Bargains will contact to confirm the identity of pharmacies before we approve their postings. Please do not post in states that you do not have permits to operate.
No, Drug Bargains does not charge any fees at this time. We live on the financial support from pharmacies and patients. Please donate any amount you feel is right to the account Drug Bargains on Patreon.com
For pharmacies, we allow to donate drugs and post their prices at no fee. Discount cards charge pharmacies ridiculous fees. Government and insurance plans interfere negatively in the relation between pharmacies and their patients. For patients, direct and open competition among pharmacies will bring lower cost for you. It is easier to compare prices when these pharmacies post their prices at one place.
Ads are not automatically posted. Drug Bargains reviews all ads for quality control.
No. Currently Drug Bargains only accepts postings in the USA.
Step 1 - If you are a pharmacy, please register for an user account after reading our Terms and Conditions Step 2 - New user will get an email to validate the new account. Step 3 - Post your ads then wait for our approval. If you need technical help, please contact us by phone or email.
Yes, you do. Please ask your doctor to send a prescription, or contact the pharmacy for assistance.
Drug Bargains was found by Dr. Linh Nguyen. He received a PharmD degree from University of Maryland and a MBA degree from The George Washington University.